Explorers of the Earth’s Forgotten Depths
Human will is activated by fear or desire. These are the two driving forces behind human actions, which we could assign a multitude of synonyms. Each person is thus guided by their aspirations and sentiments toward a particular direction. And so began the history of humankind and the exploration of the caves scattered across our planet.
This ancient relationship has recently gained more recognition thanks to the growing interest in speleology among scientists and the most intrepid curious minds. The very word coined for this discipline originates from the Greek ‘spélaion’ (cave) and ‘lògos’ (discourse), offering us a clue about its scope. Speleology is the science of explorers — those who wish to experiment and document knowledge of the underground world.
What drives a person to venture into the long caves of ‘living rock’ that resides deep within the Earth?
The idea of descending underground for kilometers and kilometers, or even just for a few hundred meters, may initially provoke fear or rejection. But it is precisely here that a mechanism inside us is activated: the challenge of discovering the unknown.
Some are driven by the desire to explore hidden places and uncover the world beyond the boundaries we’ve grown accustomed to, thus embracing this extraordinary discipline. It’s not so hard to become passionate about it. Others, however, motivated by fears like claustrophobia, choose to face them in an almost unusual way through what could be called ‘shock therapy.’ When we summon the courage to confront the factors that deeply intimidate us, we discover that, in the end, they are not so terrifying after all. The truth is that, once the first step into uncharted cavities is taken, an incredible surge of adrenaline takes over. We feel alive, filled with wonder.
The sight of sparkling minerals in vast karst chambers or the immense volcanic rooms can leave an indelible mark on the memory of anyone brave enough to experience it. These are unique landscapes that have never been seen before. Inevitably, our gaze nourishes itself; our senses settle into an unusual peace, surrounded by the calm and silence these places generously offer.
Moreover, in caves, one never goes alone — safety reasons ensure that. This creates deep bonds, fostering simple yet genuine interactions, as life itself depends on the companions who accompany us. Speleology, thus, becomes a form of ‘personal therapy.’ The exploration shifts from the external world to our ‘inner self,’ evolving into a means of self-affirmation and transcending our limitations, helping us understand ourselves better.
Through this personal willpower, we grow stronger, overcoming even our deepest fears, and fulfilling desires we didn’t even know we had. Perhaps, this is what makes this discipline so fascinating.
📝 My name is Carmen Maya Posta, thanks for reading me! This article was originally written in Italian for “Periodico Italiano Magazine” on July 18th, 2024. Find more writing translated into Italian, Spanish, and English on this website, on Instagram @carmenmeanspoem, on Substack , & listen to my voice on YouTube.
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